Despite being cautious and loving though, it’s simple to allow your relationships to falter for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you married into an unhealthy relationship, or perhaps you don’t want to surrender control to your partner. No matter the reason that your connection is faltering, it may be due to many factors, such as incompatibility of sex drives or boredom. How seriously you take astrology will influence your view of the zodiac signs involved, as a whole. But research indicates that a zodiac sign is more inclined to cheat due to its star sign than other signs are.

A club offering illicit encounters allowed illicit encounters’ website to research its database and determine the statistical breakdown of its members’ demographics. The relationship was subsequently broken apart, and it was found that certain astrological signs were significantly more likely to get in bed with someone outside the union. You might wonder whether astrology is legitimate, however bear in mind that the indications most likely to have an affair have a number of respectable features that may share in their behaviour. Wondering about how most likely you or your partner are to venture onto a new journey? Roughly half of the time, astrology is attributed to those who are most likely to cheat. The stars displayed in the chart below indicates which zodiac sign cheats the most in a relationship.


One might say that Scorpios are more prone to extra-marital affairs than any other sign of the zodiac. This is because Scorpios are intensely passionate, and they often have a strong sex drive. They also tend to be quite secretive, which can lead to Affairs hidden from their spouses. Additionally, Scorpios are often attracted to people who are different from them, which can also lead to cheating.


Aquarius sign associated with extramarital affairs. Those born under this sign are often considered to be flirtatious and attracted to excitement and new experiences. They may be more likely to engage in affairs than other signs, as they are often looking for new and exciting ways to experience life.


There is a significant body of research that suggests that people who are born under the sign of Sagittarius are more likely to have extra-marital affairs than those who are born under other signs. While this may be due in part to the nature of the Sagittarius personality, it is also worth noting that many astrologers believe that the sign of Sagittarius is associated with openness and honesty, which could lead to more transparency in these types of relationships.


Aries individuals are known for their strong sex drives and high levels of energy. This combination can often lead to extra-marital affairs, as the Aries individual is constantly seeking new physical and emotional challenges. Additionally, Aries sign that is ruled by Mars, the god of war, this means that Aries natives are often drawn to adrenaline-pumping activities, such as affairs.


There is a fair bit of research that suggests people who are Pisces are more likely to have extra-marital affairs than those who fall into other zodiac signs. Some astrologers believe this has to do with the fact that Pisces are often seen as being two people at once – one who is introspective and sensitive, and one who is wild and carefree. The Pisces split personality can make it difficult for Pisces to stay monogamous in their relationships.


There has been some interest in the literature on Virgo individuals and extra marital affairs. Some researchers have posited that Virgos may be more likely to have affairs than other sign individuals due to their perfectionist tendencies and critical nature. Others have argued that Virgos are more likely to have affairs as a way to compensate for feelings of insecurity or low self-esteem. To date, there is no empirical evidence to support either of these hypotheses.


When it comes to astrology, Leo is the sign associated with extra marital affairs. This is due to the Leo’s natural need for attention and love. They are often attracted to people who can provide them with both of these things, even if those people are not their spouse. Leos also tend to be very passionate people, which can lead to them becoming easily attracted to someone else.


There is no scientific evidence to suggest that cancers are more likely to have affairs than any other sign of the zodiac. However, there is some anecdotal evidence that cancers may be more likely to engage in extra-marital affairs. Some people claim that Cancers are drawn to people who are emotionally unavailable, or who have a lot of drama in their lives. Cancer man or Cancer woman may also be more likely to cheat because they are often looking for a way to escape from their own problems.


According to astrology, people born under the sign of Taurus are believed to be loyal, patient, and reliable individuals. However, some astrologers also believe that Taurus people may be prone to extra-marital affairs, as they may be attracted to physical pleasures and material possessions. While there is no scientific evidence to support this claim, it is an interesting topic for further discussion.


Capricorns are known for being responsible and disciplined, often making them great leaders. They have strong convictions and are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. Capricorns can be a little cold and unyielding at times, but they are also loyal and generous friends. They can be quite sensual in their lovemaking, and many find them irresistible. However, they can also be quite demanding in their relationships.


The Gemini sign is represented by twins, and is known to be changeable and adaptable. Geminis are often attracted to extra-marital affairs because of their need for excitement and change. They are also very good at hiding their true feelings, making it easy for them to carry on affairs without detection.


Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac and represents balance, justice, and relationships. People who are born under the sign of Libra are often charming, diplomatic, and fair-minded. They can also be indecisive and easily influenced by others. Libras are attracted to creative and imaginative people, and they often have successful romantic relationships. However, they may also be prone to extra-marital affairs due to their strong desire for companionship and their dislike of conflict.