The study of Astrology examines ten planets, starting with the Sun and the Moon. These planets are known as luminaries, so we examine them closely. Zodiac Signs Planets also include Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Each of these planets has its own energy, which influences our lives every day. However, what really matters is how we use that energy.
There are three planets that have recently been recognised (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) and they do not dilute the message of the other planets, rather they add to the spectrum of experience we can have. Jupiter and Venus are considered to be among the planets with the highest degrees of beneficence. Mercury, Venus and the Sun also tend to cast a golden glow on the horizon. Saturn, however, is also known for its harsh energy. Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the other planets are equally endowed with sharp energies.
As a result of their proximity to the Sun, the planets move at various speeds, some at a faster pace (the Moon), while others at a slower pace (Pluto). It is commonly thought that the fastest planets (the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) speak to the inner self and are referred to as the inner planets. Jupiter and Saturn represent the social planets, while Uranus, Neptune and Pluto concentrate on the outer world. The outer planets are Jupiter and Saturn, and they tend to look outward.
Whenever the planets rule a sign, they exert their most powerful energy over that sign. The sign that is ruling each planet is also known as the Sign of Dignity. There is a second sign with which each planet interacts well, which is called the Sign of its Exaltation. A planet’s Sign of dignity is directly opposite its Sign of detriment; it generally exhibits an unfavourable energy. A planet with a sign of exaltation is opposite the sign of fall; a planet with weakened energy is opposite its sign of dignity. As a result, a planet in the House where it is born (such as Mars in Aries) is accidentally strengthened and dignified. It has been observed that perhaps the most powerful planet is the one that rules the ascendant. For example, if you have Virgo on your Ascendant, you will find Mercury exerts a considerable influence on your chart, since Mercury rules Virgo.
As a matter of fact, planet movements can be classified as stationary, direct, or regressive. A stationary planet contains a lot of concentrated energy, and it is soon going to move backward or forward. While direct planets exert considerable influence, retrograde planets are what really create a problem. They appear to be moving backwards, causing diffuse and unfocused energy to be generated. Due to this, the message of retrograde planets is likely to be garbled and less effective.
In the same way that the Sun generates light, it gives rise to life as a whole. Planet (also known as luminary or star) represents a person’s identity, their individuality and their spirit. It symbolises their personality and their ego, as well as what makes them unique from others. It represents their identity as well as their face to the world. Also, the sun signifies the individual’s creative ability and the ability to deal with the challenges of everyday life.
As well as fathers and husbands, children are also ruled by the Sun. As the Sun’s energy is a powerful one, it brings authority and the ability to lead along with a person’s essence, the core being, in its wake. As a result of the will of this planet, we become accustomed to expressing ourselves in the world we live in.
Suns are majestic, and in keeping with this majestic air, they rule royalty and higher office. In addition to ruling royalty and higher offices, this orb also presides over our health. With its golden glow, the Sun gives us strength, energy and a sense of determination which gives us a sense of purpose. Astrology is based on the fact that the Sun gives strength to the other planets. This is why it plays a crucial role in the universe.
A year passes between each sign in the Zodiac and the Sun spends about a month in each sign, taking a year to go through the twelve signs. Leo and the Fifth House are ruled by the Sun.
As the closest ‘planet’ to the Earth, the Moon veritably zips around the Zodiac. It completes its circuit in less than a month, as it makes its circuit around Earth faster and more frequently than any other ‘planet’. Thus the Moon has a more powerful effect on us than any other planet.
It is natural that the Moon should also be a ruler of our emotions, since it is ruler of the tides. Still waters run deep? The ocean has long been portrayed as being fluid, momentous, churning from within. Yes, our emotions have been portrayed in the same way: as a water that churns from within. As a result of the Moon’s influence on our mood swings, instincts, how we feel about things and how we affect others, all of these are influenced by the Moon. While the Sun gives us our spirit, the Moon gives us our souls.
Symbolising motherhood and the bond between a mother and child, the Moon is a goddess-like planet. It represents the role of nurturing women in one’s life and the role of nurturers. In addition to fertility, pregnancy and childbirth, the Moon plays a huge role in fertility. Since the very beginning, we have seen the Moon cast its silvery glow when we were stroked and caressed by our mothers. We felt her tender touch from the earliest moments.
This continuum of emotions that we experience sets the tone for the rest of our lives, as our beings express our emotions. The Moon is a part of this continuum, making us vital at one moment and fragile at another. In addition to being up and down and naughty or polite, we can laugh wildly at will or cry at will at will. This energy of the Moon helps us reconcile these varied emotions, so that we are complete and one with nature as a whole. Moreover, the Moon also helps us to see clearly what we want and to make efficient use of memory and the past as part of this process as well.
As the Moon travels through the Zodiac in roughly 22 1/2 days, and it takes the same amount of time to circumnavigate the world, it rules the Cancer and Fourth Houses of the zodiac.
We are instructed to speak when Mercury comes in on feather-light wings, much like the winged messengers of the gods. There are various aspects of Mercury that fall within its realm of influence. These include communication, intellect, awareness, logic and reasoning, thinking in general, as well as how we express our ideas and create our thoughts. Mercury is all about communication, intellect, and awareness.
Restlessness and motion are the characteristics of Mercury’s nature. Here, things happen quickly. Mercury symbolises quick wit, quick thinking, possibilities, opinions, reasoning, and the ability to rationalise things. There is no doubt that mercurial energy can be beneficial as well as detrimental, however it will certainly be energising! Mercury is also a planet that encourages us to move from one thing to another and to seek answers, both physically and mentally, as well as dexterity and imperceptibility. Mercury’s energy is both dexterous and perceptive.
There is something about Mercury that seems to be all about short trips: a visit to a neighbour or friend across town, a commute to and from work, a weekend getaway, and so on. Mercury is also about relationships and transportation in general.
Mercury rules communication, writing, books, online communications, and learning, all of which rely heavily on our ability to express ourselves, often and well. As a planet, Mercury encourages us to communicate well and often. When Mercury is retrograde, however, we will be challenged in our communication.
In the middle of the zodiac, Mercury never gets more than 28 degrees from the Sun. It is neither masculine nor feminine energy, but assumes the gender of the sign it is occupying. Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo, as well as the Third House and the Sixth House, as it is so close to the Sun.
A planet like Venus is all about pleasure, and especially pleasure shared with others. In the context of our relationship with one another, Venus concerns itself with love, romance, and harmony in our romantic relationships, marriages, friendships and other kinds of unions. As Venus spreads happiness and tenderness throughout the world, all the while teaching us how to love and appreciate each other and our possessions, she is content to spread happiness and tenderness.
The way we behave — as well as the way we appear — has a lot to do with Venus’ energy. It is imperative to socialise and relate to others in order to thrive on this planet.
Venus is also closely related to beauty. Venus is associated with the arts (music, dance, drama, literature, and a sense of the aesthetic, to name a few) and a sense of the aesthetic. Venus invites us to indulge our senses and take advantage of the beauty we have found around us. In addition to refinement, culture, charm, and grace, the planet is inextricably linked with these qualities.
Besides referring to the pleasure we derive from our possessions, Venus also deals with the pleasure we derive from our possessions. Venus is particularly interested in luxuries such as jewellery, paintings, automobiles, food, drinks, a home, and a sense of refinement. Venus asks us to appreciate the exquisite nature of things in this planet. Venus inhabits a sensual world, even though it isn’t necessarily sexual.
This feminine energy is ruled by Taurus, Libra and the Second and Seventh Houses and it takes 225 days for Venus to complete its orbit of the zodiacal constellation. It is never further from the Sun than 47 degrees, and it always takes 225 days for Venus to complete its orbit.
As the ‘Red Planet of the Zodiac’, Mars should be pretty fiery. It is the planet of action, and Mars does not disappoint. Energy, passion, drive, and determination are all attributes that Mars is very fond of. It is the planet of the military that commands you (and yes, Mars rules the military) to stand up, be noticed, and get things done. If you want to sit on the sidelines, you should take a turn somewhere else in the heavens. In essence, Mars represents the individual’s sense of self-confidence and power.
Whether at work or on the field of play, Mars encourages us to face challenges and be our highest self — or even better — no matter what. It is attracted to assertiveness and a fearless nature, which makes it an ideal planet for those who strive to succeed. Aggression is part of the plan at Mars, but courage and honor are also valued here.
The energy of Mars can be either constructive or destructive, so it is imperative that we keep this in mind. As the God of War, Mars was known for being brutally violent in ancient mythology. This energy also asks that we harness it for the good as long as it emanates from the planet. Mars’ mantra embodies strength, ambition, and achievement.
The planet Mars is the ruler of our sexuality and sexual energy, as well as weapons, accidents, and surgery (the last two showing how Mars is both yin and yang in nature). However, it is imperative to keep in mind that if properly used, the energy of Mars can be quite useful as well.
Mars is representative of masculine power and it is a male planet, governed by both Aries and Scorpio, as well as the First House and the Eighth House. It takes nearly two years for Mars to complete its orbit through the Zodiac.
As the protector of the abstract mind, Jupiter governs higher learning and inspires a desire to explore ideas, both intellectually and spiritually. Jupiter is the planet of the thinking person. As an intellectual being, Jupiter provides us with the ability to formulate our ideas, and as a spiritual being, Jupiter is the ruler of philosophy and religion. As Jupiter is the god of finding answers, well, I suppose that is why he also dominates long-distance travel as well. Jupiter proposes finding answers, and if that means spanning the globe to find them, then that’s probably the reason Jupiter also rules long-distance travel. As part of this theme, Jupiter admonishes us to evaluate our ethical and moral values, and it also encourages us to feel optimistic about our own situation.
There are a lot of reasons why Jupiter is regarded as a source of luck and good fortune. In spite of the fact that Jupiter may be judge and jury, he is more of an honourable helpmate, making sure that we’re on the right track. Jupiter is a kind, benevolent planet and one that wants us to flourish and grow. Even though Jupiter is a sign of our success, our accomplishments, and our prosperity, it can also deteriorate into laziness and sloth, at times, it is associated with weight gain when it is at its most severe. Jupiter, on the other hand, tends to guide us more often along the primrose path than not.
The planet Jupiter also enjoys a great deal of leisure time, from sports of all kinds to games of chance to strolling with the family pet (Jupiter loves animals) to leisure time. Jupiter is also ruled by a variety of other planets. Finally, Jupiter is often a sign of substantial wealth, material and otherwise. A faithful friend in the heavens, Jupiter is regarded as a great friend.
It takes Jupiter about twelve years to complete one full rotation of the zodiac (it visits a sign on average every year). The planet is ruled by the Sun, is known as a masculine planet, and rules both Sagittarius and Pisces, as well as the Ninth and Twelfth Houses.
It is important to understand that Saturn does not make things easy and that this is the role of the taskmaster of the Zodiac. Saturn commands us to work hard and discipline is one of the characteristics that make up a successful Saturn. If we are passionate about conquering the world, that’s fine too, but discipline is just one of many attributes of this planet.
It is Saturn’s glyph, after all, that symbolises the sickle of Chronos, the God of Time. Saturn is a sign that we should look at the clock, just as Father Time did. Is there enough time to accomplish everything we wish to accomplish, or are there limits? We must learn to deal with them. Saturn has particular limitations, so we must learn how to deal with those limitations. Saturn is associated with restrictions, discipline, and delays.
With Saturn’s role as a teacher as well as governing old age, the planet governs life’s lessons as well, which is in keeping with the planet’s role as a teacher. Saturn is cognisant of the fact that old age also comes with a certain sense of tradition, convention (our learned behaviour patterns), and wisdom, and Saturn takes these characteristics into account. As a Planet, we applaud our perseverance as well as the fact that we have managed to withstand the test of time (yes, time appears to come up again). There is also an element of authority that comes along with this seniority, which Saturn lords over as well.
There are many things in life that are governed by this ringed planet, including structure, order, and how we conduct our affairs. In addition to contraction and reining in assets, Saturn also plays a role as a teacher, concerned with karma and lessons learned from past experiences. Finally, Saturn, in its role as a teacher, focuses on the karma that has been accumulated over the course of time.
Saturn is one of the signs of the zodiac ruled by Capricorn and Aquarius and occupies the tenth and eleventh houses of the sun. It takes Saturn 28-30 years to complete its orbit around the sun.
Uranus was discovered in 1781 and is one of the outermost planets in our solar system. As such, it moves much more slowly through the Zodiac than the other planets. As a result, Uranus has a more significant effect on generations than on individuals.
It is extremely crucial to realise that Uranus brings with it a radically different way of looking at the world, and this approach works best with an expanded consciousness. The planet ruled innovation, inventions, computers and cutting-edge technologies, as well as future events and future events. Uranus does not see a need for the status quo. Instead, he prefers to break with tradition and bring about a revolutionary world order that will stand out from the rest. In spite of the fact that this planet is safe from danger (science, electricity), Uranus prefers to concentrate on creating a new order for mankind. This is why rebellions, revolutions, dictatorships, autonomous states, as well as free will all fall under the aegis of this planet.
In spite of Uranus’s erratic and bizarre behaviour, as well as his byzantine schemes, no one will ever think of him as subtle. Uranus would be better suited to a Utopian society and humanitarian ideals, which are more at odds with Uranus’s nature. It is known that Uranus is the planet of freedom and creativity, but it also has a strong connection with astrology. Lastly, in keeping with the planet’s abrupt, violent, and sometimes unexpected manner, Uranus has a strong influence over natural disasters and earthquakes.
There is a weird and wonderful energy associated with Uranus. It represents the first of the transcendental planets, and has been doing so since it began to roam around the zodiac in 84 years. It has an androgynous quality, and rules Aquarius and the Eleventh House in the zodiac.
Another outer planet, Neptune, was discovered in 1846. Its slow orbit around the zodiac assures that it has a generational impact on our planet, making its effects generational in nature.
There is a glyph associated with Neptune, which is the trident of Poseidon, the God of the Seas. There are many aspects of this planet that are fluid (Neptune rules the oceans of the Earth), changeable, and exclusionary in nature. Dreams, illusions, abstract thought, and the mysterious are all governed by Neptune. Getting in touch with your spirituality, and how you use that energy, is one of the most meaningful things you can do on this planet. During your meditative state you will gain insights and be more aware of the world around you. In addition to poetry, music, and dance, this planet is known for its trance-like activities.
It is true that Neptune has a showier side to it as well, as it controls movies, television, theatre, fashion, and all other forms of glamour. In essence, Neptune is creating an illusion — of what is enchanting on the outside and captivating within. There is a mystique that Neptune possesses that is very difficult to expose. It’s also an egotistical creature, a poser, a lover of flattery, and a lover of subversion.
Neptune’s shadow side is likened to that of an ageing star, who cannot make one more curtain. When the lights are turned off, this planet becomes a netherworld of drugs, alcohol, trances and hypnosis. There is a definite sense of escapism about Neptunian energy on its darker days. This is a sea of delusion, hypochondria, abnormalities, insomnia and dreams ruled by this planet. Neptune will keep coming at you no matter how you respond.
A planet like Neptune takes 165 years to complete its whirl around the zodiac, occupying roughly 14 years at each sign when it passes. It is associated with feminine energy, and therefore rules the sign Pisces and the Twelfth House. Neptune is said to be the second of the transcendental planets, after Venus.
This very distant planet, Pluto, is one of the outermost planets in our solar system, and as such, it is also the farthest away from our Sun. Pluto was only discovered in 1930, but its discovery was only dimly covered by the media.
This planet is about transformation, regeneration, and rebirth, which may seem subtle at first glance, but its effect on you will be as powerful as any ton of bricks. Things aren’t pretty with Pluto, but they do get done. Pluto says ‘out with the old, in with the future,’ and we need to get ready to face the challenges. We will only be in misery if we do not prepare ourselves for the planet. Pluto asks us to transcend our knowledge, redeem ourselves in the process, and come out stronger.
It rules destruction, death, obsession, kidnapping, coercion, viruses and waste, and it even (re)creates quite a bit (it additionally governs the reproductive system). Pluto also rules destruction, death, obsession, kidnapping, coercion, viruses, and waste, and that’s certainly not pretty. Besides governing crime, Pluto also regulates many subversive activities (terrorism, dictatorships). It is a planet that is concerned with all things secret and undercover, that are hidden from view. Is this a story of righteousness versus evil.
Along with Pluto’s power and intensity (it also rules atomic power), there is no doubt that the energy of this planet is often focused on mass and what the collective can achieve. Pluto is a planet that challenges the masses to look inward (and to their subconscious) and see what’s there. Pluto knows how to push buttons, so even if it’s frightening, Pluto doesn’t seem to care.
As Pluto moves around the Zodiac, it takes approximately 248 years to complete its orbit. Due to the eccentricity of its orbit, it takes between 12 and 31 years to pass through a sign. It is ruled by the sign Scorpio and the Eighth House. A transcendental planet like Pluto is the higher octave of Mars, and is the last of the transcendental planets.
The dynamic interplay between the zodiac signs and planets creates a tapestry of energies, shaping our individual experiences and relationships. Let’s explore how they influence one another:
Each zodiac sign has one or more ruling planets that exert a significant influence over their energies and characteristics. Understanding the ruling planets for each sign can provide deeper insights into their nature and dynamics.
The compatibility between zodiac signs and planets determines the ease or challenges we may encounter in different areas of life. Some signs harmonize naturally with specific planets, while others may experience conflicts or contrasts.
The intricate dance between zodiac signs and planets weaves a cosmic tapestry that shapes our lives and relationships. From the radiant Sun to the transformative Pluto, each planet imparts its unique energy and symbolism, adding depth and complexity to our existence. By exploring the interplay between these celestial bodies and understanding their influences, we can gain valuable insights into ourselves and the world around us. Embrace the cosmic tapestry, and may your journey through the realms of astrology bring you enlightenment and self-discovery.
What is the difference between the Sun sign and the Moon sign?
The Sun sign represents our core identity and ego, while the Moon sign reflects our emotional nature and inner self.
How do planets influence our personality traits?
Planets influence our personality traits by infusing their unique energies into our birth chart, shaping our characteristics and tendencies.
Can I have more than one ruling planet?
Yes, it’s possible to have multiple ruling planets based on the different zodiac signs present in your birth chart.
What does it mean if a planet is in retrograde?
When a planet is in retrograde, it appears to move backward in its orbit. This phenomenon often brings a period of introspection, reevaluation, and potential challenges related to the planet’s influence.
How does the placement of Venus affect relationships?
Venus’s placement in our birth chart influences our approach to love, relationships, and aesthetic preferences. It can indicate the qualities we seek in a partner and how we express affection.
How can I find out my ruling planet?
Your ruling planet can be determined by your Sun sign or the sign that rules your Ascendant or Moon sign. Consulting with an astrologer or using online birth chart calculators can provide more accurate information.
Can the influence of planets change over time?
Yes, the influence of planets can shift as we grow and evolve. Transits and progressions in astrology indicate how the planets interact with our natal chart at different stages of life.
What are the dominant traits of fire signs?
Fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) are known for their passion, enthusiasm, creativity, and assertiveness.
How do mutable signs adapt to change?
Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) are adaptable and flexible. They can navigate change with ease and often thrive in dynamic environments.
Is astrology based on scientific evidence?
Astrology is considered a metaphysical practice and does not have the same empirical basis as traditional scientific disciplines. However, it has a rich historical and cultural significance, and many people find value in its insights and guidance.