The Zodiac signs and their elements (Earth Fire Water Air) are based on ancient Greek philosophy. The ancients took it back to square one, the building blocks of life: the solid earth upon which we stand, the running water we use as a resource, the air we breathe and the fire which keeps us warm and aids in the creation of additional resources. A similarity can be seen between this study and the science of determining things.
The Greeks drew on this idea as they began to think about individuality before delving into the philosophy of physicality and motion. In this case, the body is thought to consist of earth, emotions are considered muddy, thoughts are thought of as spirits and moods lively and active. As zodiac signs astrology developed, the ancients then combined these elemental characteristics to the Signs, making the things easy to understand that the wind is having effect on you and keep the emotions of a watery sort.
A Fire Signs astrology chart might indicate that the person is inclined to have a volatile, acerbic personality. At the same time, a lack of all Earth Signs may indicate someone who lacks coordination or is lacking in practical sense. Having a mix of all zodiac signs elements would suggest that the individual is versatile and prepared to take a variety of approaches to a given problem.
The Four elements for zodiac signs and their corresponding signs are listed below. Even if they are concerned with our basic nature, the combined effect of these factors in astrological chart wholly defines the nature of our being as complex and integrated.
- Zodiac Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
- Zodiac Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
- Zodiac Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
- Zodiac Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
Each of the above mentioned zodiac signs and their elements have unique strengths and weaknesses and how they are affected by that specific element is unique to that sign specifically.
The fire sun signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. They are associated with the element of fire and with characteristics such as enthusiasm, creativity, and passion. People who are zodiac fire signs tend to be energetic and optimistic, and they enjoy taking risks. Fire zodiac signs are also typically independent and assertive. The fire signs are like a campfire. They are the sparks that get things going and keep everyone’s energy up. People born under the fire signs are enthusiastic, energetic and optimistic. Some of fire sign traits are being natural leaders and thrive on challenges. They can be impatient, impulsive and prone to anger but their passion.
Click here to read more about Fire Sign Meaning
There are three earth signs in astrology: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Earth sun signs are associated with the element of earth, and they are considered to be practical and reliable. People who are born under all earth signs are typically good at taking care of business and have a strong sense of reality. The earth signs are the backbone of the zodiac, and they’re some of the most down-to-earth people you’ll ever meet. They’re practical, reliable and always there.
Click here to read more about Earth Signs Traits
There are three astrological water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. These signs are associated with the element of water, which is said to give them their characteristics. Pisces is considered the most watery of the three, followed by Cancer, and then Scorpio. All water signs are said to be sensitive, intuitive, and creative. They are also said to be emotional and deep thinkers. Just as the signs of the zodiac can tell us a lot about a person’s character, the astrology of water signs can reveal a lot about someone’s personality.
Click here to read more about Water Signs Characteristics
Air sun signs are those associated with the element of air, and include Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. These air sign characteristics are communication, intellect, and socialisation. They are also associated with change and new beginnings. Air signs are typically extroverted and optimistic, and enjoy interacting with others. Air signs are like the wind. They are changeable, and you can never quite predict what they will do next. Air signs traits are one of the best. They’re always up for a good time and are always ready to have a conversation.
Click here to read more about Air Sign Astrology