As the second major classification of the nature of the signs, after the Elements, Qualities are the principles that are used to define each of the signs. Quadruplicates are assigned into groups of four signs in each. In other words, each quadruplicate represents one of the three major types of zodiac signs identified in Astrology.

In this case, the same quality is found in two signs that are 90 degrees apart or opposite from each other — 180 degrees, also referred to as polarity signs. In general, the Signs belonging to the same quality usually do not interact smoothly with each other, despite their similarity — or maybe because of it, even though they may look like one another. In spite of the tension which sometimes exists between those in polarity, they complement one another.

The quality is defined as a type of attitude, a way of approaching situations, and a way of approaching projects within an astrological chart. The three types of qualities are Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable.

There are four Cardinal Signs in the Zodiac: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. These four signs are the initiators of the Zodiac. All four of them share the qualities of action and drive. They are motivated and enthusiastic about their work. It is Cardinal Signs who often come up with great ideas and make the project move forward, but they have difficulties completing and following through on the project. There are four Cardinal Houses: the first, fourth, seventh and tenth. If any of the Planets are located in these Houses, then a chart is favoured by Cardinal energy because it contains planets in these Houses.

A Fixed Sign is a sign in which a person is dedicated to seeing the project through to completion. These four signs are known as Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. There are many qualities that these individuals share. Some of these qualities include determination, persistence and stability, while others have a tendency to be inflexible and inflexible. On a team, Fixed Signs are those who keep a project on track and see it through to the end, but they can also be stubborn and inflexible. A chart with a number of planets in the Second, Fifth, Eighth, or Eleventh House is typically considered to be weighted in favour of the Fixed Houses; as a result, it will carry a substantial amount of Fixed energy.

Among the Mutable Signs of the Zodiac are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. These four signs have the ability to fill any position in the Zodiac, which is why they are happy to fill any role. Among their common characteristics are adaptability and changeability; they are flexible and flexible in their approaches to life. As a team member, Mutable Signs are adept at adapting to changing conditions without having a set agenda. However, they can be inconsistent or wishy-washy at times. If a chart shows a number of Planets in the third, sixth, ninth and twelfth Houses, then that chart is weighted in favour of Mutable energy; if however, it contains a number of Planets in these Houses, the chart is weak.

The Elements and Qualities of Astrology are very significant to understand because, in true Astrology, it is the combination of Elements and Qualities that is what makes the signs what they are.


It can be said that Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are Cardinal Zodiac Signs. A Cardinal House is the First, Fourth, Seventh and Tenth of an Astrological Chart and when these Houses have a preponderance of Planets, then its energy is pushed toward its Cardinal character.

As part of the Zodiac, the Cardinal Signs are the initiators of the Zodiac. These signs are found on the chart wheel at key points, specifically the Ascendant, Medium Coeli (MC or Midheaven), Descendant and Imum Coeli (I.C.). Cardinal signs meaning is that these individuals are generally energetic, quick minded and ambitious individuals who like to get things accomplished. Despite the fact that many of these projects never get finished, the Cardinal Initiative enables many projects to be started. Get completed. It’s because Cardinals are a much more enthusiastic bunch of people when it comes to starting new things than finishing old ones.

Cardinal people are full of energy, are driven by an unmistakable drive and ambition. They possess a zest for life that is undeniable. There is a sense of enthusiasm and a zest for life that fills the Cardinal individual. Some might perceive this rampant energy as domineering, and it can be, sometimes. Cardinals can easily forget about the rest of the group when they are busy focusing on their own endeavours. Nevertheless, their energetic spirit often wins the day when it comes to their own pursuits.

As a whole, Astrology Cardinal Signs are clever and like to win. They also like to start projects, and whether or not they complete them, there is always something happening. If you are someone who finds Cardinal Sign to be too self-centred, please simply watch and marvel as they speed by.

Cardinal Zodiac Signs


An astrological chart showing a preponderance of Planets in the Second, Fifth, Eighth and Eleventh Houses is considered to be Fixed Signs. This is synonymous with the fixed qualities of the signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. The Fixed Houses are the Second, Fifth, Eighth and Eleventh; if more planets are placed in these Houses, it indicates a fixed quality.

Stability, according to the Fixed Zodiac Signs, is key. People influenced by the Quality of Fixation are always willing to work towards achieving their goals, and are able to work calmly until they are successful. For Fix Quality people, this isn’t a struggle; it’s what makes them tick. This type of individual is determined, resolute, and stable. They want to get to the finish line, which is why they have perseverance and the ability to focus, traits that will allow them to do so.

It is imperative to know that Astrology Fixed Signs have a great deal of self-confidence. Self-reliance could even be considered the middle name of Fixed Sign individuals. Fixed people are powerful, yet purposeful. There are no wasted motions here: Fixed people move patiently and steadily towards their goals. The Sign of the Fixed Astrology is also a sign of stability and reliability; they always remember who helped them out in the past. Conversely, people born under a Sign of the Fixed can at times be stubborn, my way or the highway people. If they believe that they are always right and get stuck in their ways, they may have a tendency to get overconfident.

Fixed Signs Astrology


There is a Mutable Quality associated with Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces signs according to Western Astrology. These signs have the Mutable Houses which are the Third, Sixth, Ninth and Twelfth houses. If a horoscope has Planets that are primarily located in these Houses, then mutable characteristics are associated with the sign.

A Mutable Astrology Sign knows how to adapt and change their expression to whatever a situation requires. They are adaptable and flexible and are able to change their form of expression accordingly. Standing up for oneself is of no importance to a Mutable individual. In order to achieve the greatest good, a Mutable individual would rather conform to the norm, so long as it is in the highest interest of the greater good. Due to their flexibility, Mutable Astrology Signs adapt to changes in their surroundings easily. Since they are capable of assuming so many different personae, they have been called the chameleons of the zodiac.

Mutable Zodiac Signs people are blessed with immense resourcefulness. Talk about making lemonade from lemons! They are able to squeeze that last drop of juice and make things better in the process. There are several traits associated with those with Mutable Qualities in their horoscope, including a love of learning, fair play, diplomatic abilities, and a high degree of popularity. It is worth noting that they also possess sharpness, sympathy, and are able to grasp the essence of a situation. As ambitious as they may be, their desire to please everyone at times can put them in a tough spot. They may appear to be wishy-washy, inconsistent, and downright duplicitous, all in the name of pleasing everyone.

This quality is one of the most prominent attributes of the mutable individual, as they are flexible, versatile, as well as highly resourceful and selfless. Those who possess this characteristic are always willing to lend a hand to others, and they tend to show selfless behaviour.

Mutable Signs Astrology