Taurus SymbolThe BullTaurus DatesApril 20th – May 20th
Taurus ElementEarthTaurus Ruling PlanetVenus
Taurus Lucky Numbers6 & 5Taurus Lucky ColourIndigo
Taurus Lucky DaysFriday, Saturday & MondayTaurus Lucky Gem StoneEmerald
Taurus Compatible SignsScorpio, Virgo & CapricornTaurus Non Compatible SignsGemini, Sagittarius & Aquarius

Taurus, an April zodiac sign falling in the line of zodiacs after Aries, is all about remuneration and honor. Unlike the Aries love for the game, Taurus loves the honor that comes with the game. They are also a tactile lot, enjoying a compassionate, even hedonistic touch. Taurus adores comfort and like being surrounded by gratifying and soothing things. The good life in all its appearances, it is considered heaven on Earth to be born as a Taurus. The Taurus’s mascot, The Bull and along with that comes the expectation that these people being stubborn and hot-headed. Taurus don’t start out with the intention of getting stuck, they simply want to get things done. Their steadiness and their determination to continue until the work is finished is viewed as stubbornness. Bulls are actually among the most practical and reliable animals and members of the Zodiac, and they are happy to sprauchle along, as they are in pursuit of their goals.

People having the Taurus star sign are content with what they have in their lives; they seldom change it and look for new things in life. Being an introvert by heart and soul, they are calm even if the things around them are on fire. Because of their content nature, they don’t run after things which they don’t have and therefore are not of the jealous type. Because of their introversive nature, they are good listeners and dependable for the people around them.

Once the Taurus people have achieved their goals and reached the finish line, they will wrap themselves in material goods. Taurus is ruled by the Planet Venus, in ancient Roman mythology, Venus was the Goddess of Love, Beauty and Pleasure, and Taurus have started from the point where she left off. Bulls are fond of pretty things, whether it’s in their home, at a museum or on the stage. To the spectators and observers, this may look like Taurus people are attached to the materialistic things and are blessed with them as well, but Bulls really aren’t interested in living without beauty in their lives. Beauty to the Bull also comes in the way of a happy home life, one which includes a partner and a stable relationship. Taurus sign values harmony in their personal lives, so they will work hard and more often in keeping their other half and partner happy. Bulls can also be the big romantic freak, but this does not mean that the Taurus will make their romantic life a possessive mess. At the end of the day, however, people born with the Taurus, May Zodiac Signs are true romantics and loyal to the core.

Being content and happy, they like doing the same thing over and over again. They don’t get irritated and frustrated of repeating the things in their life. This habit makes them stay in their comfort zone and perform and act accordingly. As it is a law of motion, “a moving object tends to keep moving until and unless acted upon by an external force”, so the Taurus personality keeps them in their comfort zone and try not to be affected by an event or an individual which would make them leave their comfort zone. They like the things to be practical and predictable, therefore they don’t go ordering new things from the menu which they have no idea of and would prefer eating the same thing over and over again. Once they discover what things they like doing the most, they do it to the extreme and continue doing it till their last breath or they find something new as interesting as the previous thing, which is very unlikely.

Taurus moon sign prefers to take each day slowly and steadily and work toward their ultimate goal. Along these lines, those born under this Sign are happy to stick with their projects until they have reached a successful and meaningful conclusion. They are also extremely patient and trustworthy along the way. These Taurus may not immediately respond to the surroundings, but their temper is short enough. Bulls in a certain situations can get pretty aggressive and pugnacious, but eventually they will calm down and come back to their senses. The Earth in this sign tends to act as a balancing instrument so that things never truly get out of hand. For every one person who considers Taurus a pain, there are two who will say in different and happily take the Taurus gentle charms any day. Seeing as how bulls are apparently strong and well-built, it is no surprise that Taurus enjoy testing their strength on the field every once a while. Hiking is also a favorite pastime for Taurus zodiac sign, since it keeps them close to their beloved earth. When it comes to love, the people born under this Taurus sign are devoted, romantic and to some extend possessive. Their spiritual nature has a way of erasing any mistakes. The great strength of the people born under Taurus sign lies in their stability, loyalty and determination. Bulls want to get the job done so they will.

The Earth element for zodiac sign of Taurus brings strength and the desire for solid ground, form and structure. They want to get themselves stabilized and when they have fixed their feet enough in the ground, they start working on their goals and achieving them. Ruled by the loving planet Venus, Taurus has great emotional depth. Friends and lovers rely on the warmth and emotional accessibility they provide them in the hour of need and otherwise as well. Taurus earth sign represents consistency, loyalty, and patience.


The Taurus is known for their ability to concentrate and for their tenacity. These are perhaps their strongest qualities. The Taurus man or Taurus woman generally has very little trouble in getting along with others; it is in their nature to be helpful toward people in need. They can always be depended on by their friends, especially those in trouble.

The Taurus generally achieves what they want through their ability to stay the course and hold on. They never leave anything unfinished but works on something until it has been completed. People can usually take them at their word; they are honest in every aspect and dealings in their life. Because of their positive qualities Taurus holds, they have a good chance of making their life a success. They are thorough, learn from their experience and do not believe in short cuts for life. The Taurus’s thoroughness pays off in the end, for through their deliberateness they learn how to rely on themselves and what they have learned along the way. One of the Taurus sign traits is that they try to get along with others, with no exceptions and no strings attached. They are not overly critical and want people to be themselves around them. They are tolerant and enjoy peace and harmony – especially in their personal life.

The Taurus personality trait is to plays it safe and is cautious in everything they do. They don’t take unnatural and unnecessary risks in their life, when they know they can achieve the same thing with a little patience. Before adopting one line of action, they will take into consideration all of the pros and cons and then after studying them deeply, take action. The person born under this sign usually is a good family person – reliable and loving.


Sometimes the Taurus male or female is a bit too stubborn. They will not listen to other point of view if their mind is set on something. To others, this can be quite annoying and irritating. The Taurus also does not like to be told what to do. They become rather angry if others think of them as not too bright. They do not like to be told they are wrong, even when they are.

Some people who are born under this sign are very suspicious of others – even of the people who are close to them. They find it difficult to trust people fully because they are afraid of being deceived or taken advantage of. The Taurus rising sign often finds it difficult to forget or forgive.

It is in the Taurus personality that their hot headed nature and stubbornness makes them difficult to see the bigger and brighter picture, if they decide on doing something. They don’t like to change much often and hence ignore the potential big rewards and benefits because they are comfortable with the current situation and scenario. They are so much caught in the current comfort that they forget to see out of the window and surprise that hard work and nature has stored for them. They are extremists, either they like someone or they don’t. If they like someone, then they are all in and don’t test the waters before they step in. and if they don’t like someone, then it doesn’t matter to them whether they can be good partners or not.


Taurus sun sign would surely fall for the person who is kind enough to take care of them and who brings out the positivity in them, with the cherry on top, if that person also provides sensuality and bring out deep hidden desires in them that may be the best recipe for romance with the Bull. A person who would make daily routines matters sexy enough with a smile and a touch, and all that comes along with the roses and champagne that would be a Sunday every day. Material contentment is important to Taurus and they will go miles to dazzle their lover. Seeing how important security and possessions are to Taurus, someone who provides these things will quickly make it to the top of their list. And in return the Taurus will make sure to stay loyal and devoted to their partner in the hour of need and else wise.

It is in the Taurus characteristics to be attracted to the people who have same values as they have, who share the same school of thought, who are as practical as they are. Like everyone else, Taurus is attracted to people, who make them safe and comfortable around them. Taurus is attracted to the people who are independent and strong, unlike those who every other day needs to be pampered and looked after. That is a huge turn off for Taurus, who is begging for other people’s approval. They are also attracted to the people who dress up properly on every occasion and look attractive even at their worst days. Physical beauty attracts the Taurus as much as the practicality and independence itself.


Taurus is nothing if they are not committed in life and they will for sure make a wonderful partner for the right person. A slow and steady love affair is most pleasing to this sign and Taurus will wait until they get what they want. That kind of determination and patience is sexy indeed and many will be won over by this quality alone. An unfaithful partner is like a poison that can end a life of anyone and anything healthy where the Bull is concerned, so if the Taurus finds out that their partner is no so loyal to them or even if they have a hunch, they will themselves take an exit. One of the  Taurus personality traits is that they enjoy the one-on-one of a close relationship, the affection and intimacy that comes with it. The Bull is also strong enough to be on the upper hand in a relationship, so a lover and a partner should be prepared to compromise knowing that their priority and interests will never be at risk. If the partner thinks that their words will not work or they are afraid that they might be misinterpreted, they should try giving gifts, because Taurus loves the material things which they can show off to the world. The ideal Taurus soul mate has a platinum card and they are not afraid to use it.

Taurus fire sign certainly doesn’t hide their feelings, especially when they know it is good to display them. They are just shy to say it out loud using words and numbers; instead they show them using their actions and care. They know how cruel the world they live in is; therefore they hide away their sensitivity and cover it up with “I don’t care” attitude, so the world won’t take advantage of them. But this approach most of the time is not admirable in a relationship and the Taurus suffers because of this.


Faithful and dependable Taurus astrological sign can appear to be a bit uninterested and careless on the outside, which is very common in the Earth sign apparently, but this is not the whole story. Deep inside is a beast ready to be unleashed at the right time with the right person off course. The Bull wants and needs to be taken care of, looked after and cuddled like a baby, but will flourish if a lover can convince them to take a risk. The Bull can also be very intense and fascinated in relationship and involvements of the heart, they are the possessive beings and possessiveness may step in. Consequently, alliance with a certain degree of independence is the best balance for the Bull. Those born under this sign believe that love and sex go parallel hand-in-hand, that to in that order.

When an introvert starts spending time with someone, it is because that person is near and dear to them. Slowly and steadily, by taking baby steps the let someone in on their life and fall in love with that person’s presence. When they get to the point of love, then they are all in and they would make sure that the other person knows it. They don’t use words to describe their feelings, rather actions; as it is said “actions speak louder than words”, they believe in the same. If because of some reasons, they start falling apart, Taurus will give in their all to get back to the same position they were in fight till the last breath. It is not easy for Taurus woman sign to leave someone and walk away from someone or something which deep down inside their heart, they know it could work.


Taurus sign is one captivating combination of beautiful qualities, all thanks to their love of beautiful things. Those lucky enough to experience this lover will find that the best, amazingly, has been hidden from them for the past life. In private affairs, the Bull is an intense partner and one is quite happy to have sensual experiences and confrontations go on all night long. These hours of play should be recorded and remembered with conversations, fantasies and role playing, seduction, even a few edible treats in between the breaks, which would help in creating the perfect mood. Sex as a release from the more practical aspects and stress of life is often all the Bull wants once they return to their partners. If this play date can be scheduled for Taurus’s beloved home, everything would be forgotten, since comfort is always on their mind.


The Taurus sets their heart on someone who is strong and practical, qualities which they value in their own life. One who comes bearing gifts and treats also has a special place in their heart, since for Taurus, material goods and sincerity go along, heartfelt compliments can also make a Taurus’s day. Making Taurus feel safe is the only smart strategy for their lover and partner, s this approach will bring out the Bull’s most erotic and voluptuous self. Think of the Bull as a fresh garden rose waiting to be picked by the right person and that person would be lucky enough to inhale and feel the intoxicating scent of the freshly picked rose. Beautiful people, as well as things, work as captivating and tempting love potion for those born under this sign.

The Taurus man and woman lover is dependable, heedful and thoughtful, someone who wants to be in a beautiful world and have that special someone to share it with. Anyone lucky enough to enter that world will find a sensual soul waiting to be nurtured and explored.


Taurus people are multi – talented and therefore find it difficult to settle for a specific career path. Their strengths and weaknesses, ambitions and interests make it difficult for them to choose a right career path in the first go.

According to us, following careers would be best suited for Taurus:

Taurus as an Artist

Because of their introvert nature, they confine in themselves and illustrate what bothers them and inspires them on canvas. They are stubborn with being introvert, who makes them very disciplined and focused and therefore they are determined to complete a certain project once they start it.

Taurus in Beauty and Fashion Industry

Taurus enjoys luxury, as they are practical in nature; therefore they enjoy the materialistic things and luxuries more than anything. As also attracted to beauty, they have an eye for minor details and because of their fashion sense; they are more likely to excel in that particular field.

Taurus as a Agriculture and Farming Expert

Taurus is nature lover and enjoys being a part of the field rather than sitting in office. In this field, the Taurus can start working on one project at a time and can efficiently and effectively work on that until it completes.

Taurus and Construction Career

Taurus people can work for hours on the same task regardless how challenging it is and how many times they have already performed it. Once they make up their mind for doing something, they don’t rest until it is done and out of the door. The construction industry is of the similar type, new challenges come on daily basis and repetitive work has to be done very often. A disciplined individual like Taurus’s usually are can succeed in this industry very smoothly and easily.


Here is the list of famous Taurus people around the world.

  • William Shakespeare
  • Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Queen Elizabeth II
  • Jessica Alba
  • Gal Gadot


What signs are most compatible with Taurus?

Taurus most compatible signs are Capricorn, Virgo, and Pisces. Capricorn is earthy and stable, Virgo is analytical and perfectionist, and Pisces is imaginative and compassionate.

Is Taurus an earth sign?

Taurus is an earth sign because it is ruled by Venus. Earth signs are practical, down to earth, and stable. They like to be comfortable and have a regular routine.

Is Taurus a fire sign?

There is some debate among astrologers about whether Taurus should be classified as a fire sign or an earth sign. Some believe that Taurus’ association with the earth element outweighs its association with fire, while others argue that Taurus’ fiery qualities make it a true fire sign.

Is Taurus an air sign?

No, Taurus is not a fire signs because the astrological sign Taurus is associated with the element of earth. This sign is typically considered to be a static and stable sign, represented by the bull.

What sign is Taurus?

Taurus is a fixed sign and represents patience, practicality, and determination. Those born under the sign of Taurus are typically reliable, stubborn, and possessive. They are also often artistic and enjoy luxury.

Is Taurus a water sign?

No, Taurus is not a water sign. It is a sign of the earth.

What are the signs Taurus man is sexually attracted to you?

Some signs that Taurus may be sexually attracted to you include finding excuses to touch you, gazing into your eyes for extended periods of time, and generally seeming very at ease around you.

What is the Taurus sister sign?

The Taurus sister sign is Gemini. Gemini is changeable and versatile, while Taurus is steady and reliable. Gemini can help Taurus loosen up a bit, while Taurus can help Gemini focus on the important things.

What is Taurus opposite sign?

Taurus opposite sign is Scorpio. They are both Fixed signs, which means they are both loyal and determined. However, Taurus is more patient and steady, while Scorpio is more intense and emotional.

What is Taurus soulmate sign?

Taurus is a sign known for its stability, practicality, and loyalty. A Taurus soulmate is someone who is reliable and supportive, with whom they can build a life of security and comfort. They are someone with whom you can share your deepest secrets and feel completely safe doing so. They are the person you want by your side through thick and thin.

What is the best sign for Taurus?

The best sign for Taurus would be the astrological sign of Leo. Leo is on the cusp of Taurus, and is said to be the perfect sign for those who are looking to tap into the Taurus energy. Leo is a fire sign, which is opposite from Taurus’ earth sign, but they share similar qualities, such as being stubborn and reliable.

What are the Taurus least compatible signs?

The Taurus least compatible signs are Aries and Libra. Aries is known for being headstrong and impulsive, while Libra is known for being indecisive. These two signs are likely to clash due to their conflicting personalities. Gemini and Sagittarius are also considered to be bad matches for Taurus, as both of these signs are highly active and outgoing, while Taurus prefers a more relaxed lifestyle.

What is the sign before Taurus?

The sign before Taurus is Aries. Taurus, the sign after Aries, is a earth sign ruled by Venus. It is a fixed sign, meaning it is associated with stability.

What is a sign a Taurus man likes you?

A sign that a Taurus man secretly likes you is when he seems to take the relationship at a snail’s pace. This zodiac sign is well known for being extremely slow and steady. A bit of carefulness is associated with this sign, but only because a Taurus men want things to be perfect.

What are the signs a Taurus man has lost interest in you?

Some signs that a Taurus man has lost interest in you may include him becoming less communicative, pulling away from physical contact, or losing interest in activities that the two of you used to enjoy together.

What are the signs a Taurus man is in love with you?

Some common signs that a Taurus man is head-over-heels for you include showering you with compliments, being extra attentive, and going out of his way to make you happy. If you’re lucky enough to have a Taurus man in love with you, enjoy it.

What are the signs a Taurus man likes you through text?

If a Taurus man likes you, he will text you frequently and with purpose. He may use emoticons and exclamation points to add emphasis to his messages, and he’ll be quick to answer any texts you send him.

What are the signs a Taurus woman likes you?

There are some general signs that a Taurus woman may be interested in you. If she is constantly making eye contact with you, smiling, and trying to engage you in conversation, she may be attracted to you. Additionally, if she seems to take an interest in your hobbies and interests, or if she tries to do things to make you happy, these could also be signs that she likes you.

What are the Taurus zodiac signs facts?

There are some Taurus zodiac signs facts that seem to be undisputed. For example, Taurus is said to be patient, reliable, and loving. They are also considered to be practical and down-to-earth. Some believe that people born under the sign of Taurus are stubborn, but others say that this quality simply helps them stick to their goals.

What are the signs a Taurus man is playing with you?

There are a few signs that a Taurus man is playing with you. If he is always making excuses to avoid seeing you, or if he seems to lose interest quickly, he may be using you as a diversion. If he constantly showers you with compliments and gifts, but never follows through on his promises, he is likely just using you for your attention.

What sign should a Taurus marry?

Some astrologers might say that a Taurus should marry with another earth sign, such as Virgo or Capricorn, or with a water sign, such as Cancer or Scorpio.

What is a Taurus personality?

A Taurus personality is someone who is patient, reliable, and persistent. They are often conservative in their thinking and like to stick to what they know. Taurus personalities are usually good with money and enjoy the finer things in life.

What is a Taurus child personality?

Taurus children are typically determined, reliable, and persistent. They have a strong sense of duty and are very hardworking. They value stability and security in their lives and often have a practical approach to problem-solving. Taurus children are usually quite patient and can be counted on to follow through with their commitments.

What is a Taurus cat personality?

A Taurus cat personality is typically quite relaxed and laid-back, taking things at their own pace. They can be a bit stubborn at times and can be a bit resistant to change, but they are ultimately loving and gentle animals. They tend to enjoy routine and often have a strong attachment to their family or human caretakers.

What is Taurus spirit animal?

Taurus’s spirit animal is the bull. Bulls are known for their strength and power, and Taurus is known for being strong-willed and determined. The bull is also a symbol of fertility, which aligns with Taurus’s reputation for being a sexual sign.

What is Taurus birthstone?

The Taurus stone is sapphire. Sapphires are typically a blue colour, but they can also be found in other colours such as pink, yellow, and green. Sapphires are considered a precious gemstone and are often used in jewellery. They are also said to be beneficial to the wearer in terms of protection and health.

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