The list of the zodiac signs that love food more than anything in the world is given below.


The people born under this sign are drawn to things which they can feel and touch, and food is among these things, you can feel the taste and of course you can eat it by your naked hand. This is the basic reason why Taurus people certainly loves their meals. But, as much as they love to consume, they’re still picky eaters because they best will eat meals this is extraordinarily scrumptious. If meals that are being served at a eating place don’t meet the Taurus worth and merit, then they will not even finish the food and ask for the check. Taurus values scrumptious and excellent food. In the event that they devour a meal that is ordinary and average in taste, then they will have felt that they have wasted their time, money and food. Taurus doesn’t usually like to try something new for a change because they are comfortable with what they have been eating so far. It’s no longer an exaggeration whilst it is said that Taurus is the biggest foodie of all the signs.

Read more about Taurus Characteristics


Libras also love scrumptious meals the same way Taurus does. They prefer and value wonderful and connoisseur meals. They may consume what they want and after they want it. They are also into having nighttime snacks. Without a right fitness habitual to counter this impulsive behaviour, some Libras can be vulnerable to an increasing waistline. People who are born under the signal of stability scale are recognised to be indecisive however not with regards to food. They understand the way to make choices quite well with regards to them consuming the ingredients they love.

Read more about Libra Characteristics


Pisces people on the other hand love to eat all types of food, whether it is junk or a gourmet cuisine, they love to eat. Pisces people are stress eaters, which mean they eat whenever they hear some bad news or are depressed because of some reason. They might eat a whole cake that you have saved for a family get together in case of a stress rehabilitation or if Pisces are trying to get over something or for that reason, someone. They don’t like to leave their comfort zone while they eat and that is the reason why most of them are overweight. They turn to food instead of going out for an exercise or a walk.

Read more about Pisces Men and Pisces Women


Leos are known to be food lovers as well, but they tend to love the food which is of high quality, taste and off course expensive. They do not go for the junk food just because it is in the neighbourhood. This shows that Pisces tend to travel, if they have to, to eat gourmet quality cuisine. The Leos will order the most expensive things they would see on the menu, because that is how they value. If a Leo is invited to an event, they will want to get their hands on what kind of food is being served. If it is amazing and gourmet, then they will soar at the opportunity to head, but if the food does now not sound overly remarkable or interesting, then they will pass on the event.

Read more about Leo Man and Leo Woman


People with the Aries star sign are also considered to be foodies because they are known to try new cuisines, despite of the face which locality it belongs to. Most of the time they like exotic and spicy foods. Like other star signs, Aries would want to try out new food everyday if possible, like if they are on a vacation somewhere, instead of trying the same food from day one, they would be willing to try everything on the menu which looks or sounds exotic and daring. Like their element, fire, they like spicy cuisines.

Read more about Aries People


Sagittarius people love meals which are of different origin and uncommon. They are not comfort eater, they also might travel miles for food if they know some place is selling their kind of food. They’re adventurous eaters who are eager to try out the brand new eating place downtown that serves special cultural cuisines. They live for excitement and ingredients of foreign cultures are what turn the Sagittarius on the most.

Read more about Sagittarius Female