Which Zodiac Sign is the most ticklish? This question pops up in every other mind. And to answer this questions, the category of the Most Ticklish Zodiac Signs is given as under:


If you would dare to start a tickling game with and Aries, they would come back at you to the point where you would beg them to stop, and it would be too late by then. There would be no chance that you would escape them and you would be trapped in the Aries hand. So be very cautious and think twice before you start the tickle game with them.

Read more about Aries Man and Aries Woman


Taurus loves tickling others, but when it comes to them, they don’t enjoy it as much they think others do. With their sensitive nature, they would take revenge ten folds and lie on you to make you laugh with their tickling power until you finally cry.

Read more about Taurus Element Sign


It is generally said that Gemini’s are the most ticklish zodiac signs. They enjoy being tickled and have funny reactions each time they are tickled. They laugh so hysterically that they tend to forget what they were talking about or doing before they were attacked with tickling. It is like laughing when tickled brainwashes them.

Read more about Zodiac Signs Gemini


If you are ready for the awkwardness and a silent treatment, then you should think about tickling Cancer. When tickled, a cancer would not say a word, rather they will free themselves, get up and leave the room, leaving a person speechless and in a super awkward situation.

Read more about Cancer Traits


If you are a person who is in good books of a Leo, then you should tickle them and they would enjoy it. But if you are someone who is a not good friend with a Leo, then you should not even think about tickling them. They would get offended and mad at you. So if your intentions are to know about your friendship with a Leo, you should take a risk of tickling them, otherwise stay clear of that area.

Read more about Leo Zodiac Sign Facts


People with this sign have different reactions to tickling. If you are tickling them to have a good laugh, you would be disappointed. Most of the time Virgo’s are immune to tickling, they would look at you with blank eyes and a question mark on their face. So to stay away from the awkwardness and stay away from the Virgo’s in this particular manner.

Read more about Virgo Personality Traits


Libras, on the other hand, enjoy tickling and being tickled. They enjoy it so much that they may roll on the floor laughing unmannerly. It is up to the point when they notice their clothes and everything they have on them is a mess, and then they suddenly stop and get themselves together.

Read more about Libra Personality Male


They enjoy being tickled to a limit. When they see that the situation is getting out of control, then they might lose their temper and get mad at you for this. They may even shout it out bluntly to stop. So if you are looking to tease a Scorpio, you better end the situation rather soon then getting yelled at.

Read more about Scorpio Man


When attacked with a tickle war, they would definitely get back at you with all their tickle might. And once they are done and you beg them to stop, they would look for another victim and continue the tickle war till the last man is standing.

Read more about Sagittarius Star Sign


You should avoid tickling a Capricorn because you don’t know what their reaction will be. They might be immune to it or they might enjoy it so much that you would have played your hand well. So to avoid an awkward situation, make sure they are not tensed and have something going in their mind.

Read more about Capricorn Personality


These signs will act as nothing is happening, but deep down inside they would love it. While you are at an Aquarius, tickling, you should be aware of the consequences. They would get back at you while you are off guard and revenge would be served.

Read more about Aquarius Women


At first they would not react at all and hate it. But if you would continue to do so, they would start liking it and would want more of it.

Read more about Pisces Star Sign

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most ticklish Zodiac Sign?

The most ticklish zodiac sign among all the signs is Libra. When Libra’s are being tickled, they show some funny reactions and actions, which makes the other person also fall on the floor and laugh. Libras, unlike Aries or any other sign, enjoy tickling and also being tickled. They take it as an enjoyment and fun. The other person who is tickling Libra also enjoys while looking at Libras actions and face.